I just downloaded three audio bibles and this one is by far the easiest on the ears. However, I have three issues with it.
1. Please tell me what bible version you are using.
2. Please allow me to choose where I am going to listen. Dont assume I want to start at verse one of a book and listen through to the end. I might want to go back and listen to something I heard before, or maybe skip ahead. And I might have accidentally picked a book that I dont want to listen to, or change my mind once I have already begun.
3. Please give me a chance to put away the pledge that I will give $10 when I may or may not have any intention of giving you money. If you have done this on purpose, then I am less than impressed. I might wish to give you money once I figure out whether I want to use this app or not, especially since it does sound really good, but to force me to say I pledge to give you $10 when all I am doing is trying to find some controls makes me less likely to want to give you any money at all.
Maclibrarian about Bible in audio format listen to the holy bible verse by verse, jesus is calling., v1.9.1